
AI4Students gets placed second as Research of the Year

March 27 2024

AI4Students gets placed second as Research of the Year >

The AI4Students initiative by HvA, aimed at preparing all students for an AI-driven future, has proudly secured the second prize in the Research of the Year awards, highlighting the project's significant impact on educational innovation.

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AI Act: Europe leads with trustworthy AI regulations

March 27 2024

AI Act: Europe leads with trustworthy AI regulations >

Europe takes a significant leap forward in AI regulation with the new Artificial Intelligence Act, aimed at ensuring safety, respecting fundamental rights, and supporting businesses in the digital age.

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EU Advances Digital Sovereignty with the DIGITAL Europe Programme

March 27 2024

EU Advances Digital Sovereignty with the DIGITAL Europe Programme >

The EU's DIGITAL Europe Programme marks a bold statement on the future of digital technology and sovereignty, promising to fundamentally alter Europe's approach to digital innovation.

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47 million available in AINED calls

27 March 2024

47 million available in AINED calls >

Four major AI calls for have been published in the past 4 weeks: Innovation Labs, Learning Communities, ELSA Labs and the MIT call.     

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Five new awards AiNed Fellowship grants to retain AI talent for the Netherlands

26 March 2024

Five new awards AiNed Fellowship grants to retain AI talent for the Netherlands >

Leveraging exceptional AI talent is important to strengthen the national knowledge and training base in AI. We are therefore pleased to announce five new awards from the AiNed Fellowship grants Programme . The AiNed Board warmly congratulates all awardees on these awards and looks forward with interest to their contribution to the AiNed Programme and AI research in the Netherlands.

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EU Data Act: Government pushes for better data control

March 25 2024

EU Data Act: Government pushes for better data control >

The digital landscape is rapidly evolving, with data at the heart of economic and societal transformations. Recognizing the pivotal role of data, the European Union has introduced the Data Act, aimed at fostering a more equitable data economy. Minister Micky Adriaansens of Economic Affairs and Climate has now initiated an internet consultation for the Dutch implementation legislation of the Data Act, marking a crucial step towards its application starting September 2025.  

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Amsterdam UMC launches HeartGuard

March 25 2024

Amsterdam UMC launches HeartGuard >

Amsterdam UMC is taking significant strides in heart patient care by introducing HartWacht (HeartGuard), an innovative e-health tool. This technology enables patients to monitor their blood pressure and arrhythmias from the comfort of their home using a compact measurement device and a mobile app. This development not only reduces the need for regular cardiologist visits but also ensures more accurate and timely medical interventions.

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SCRIPT project

22 March 2024

SCRIPT project >

SCRIPT: Scripting criminal processes: Review and implementation of practical tools” led by Avans University of Applied Sciences in which the MultiX group is partner, has been accepted by NWO in the mission-driven innovation program.

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An empowering collaboration: Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) partners with Women in AI

19 March 2024

An empowering collaboration: Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) partners with Women in AI >

Women in AI recently conducted an insightful interview with Miriam Veronesi, shedding light on the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the collaborative efforts between the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) and Women in AI. As Chair of Start-ups and Scale-ups for the NL AIC and a prominent figure at TNO, where she focuses on the societal, economic, and ethical aspects of AI, Miriam has been at the forefront of tech innovation for years.

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ICLR 2024 Test of Time Award for Max Welling

22 may 2024

ICLR 2024 Test of Time Award for Max Welling >

Prof. Dr. Max Welling from the University of Amsterdam has won the prestigious ICLR Test of Time Award 2024 for his groundbreaking work on "Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes". This research has had a lasting impact on the field of probabilistic modeling and deep learning.

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May 17 2024's Succes | An Interview >

Which cancer patients truly benefit from immunotherapy? Doctors can use the AI tool EIDOS from healthcare innovation startup to find out. Director Robert Kuipers: "If we don't continuously apply technology in healthcare, our system will break down."

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UvA Researchers Created an Evaluation Checklist for Datasets

May 17 2024

UvA Researchers Created an Evaluation Checklist for Datasets >

AI can analyze medical data quickly and accurately, potentially improving diagnoses and treatment plans. However, bias remains a persistent problem, making medical AI solutions not yet effective for every population. Researchers from the UvA Informatics Institute are unfolding the bias issue and suggesting improvements.

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Pascal Wiggers appointed as Lector of Responsible IT at the HvA

7 May 2024

Pascal Wiggers appointed as Lector of Responsible IT at the HvA >

As of April 1, 2024, Pascal Wiggers has been appointed lecturer in Responsible IT by the Executive Board of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, following in the footsteps of lecturer Nanda Piersma.

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Dutch public prioritizes combating fake news for AI research agenda

May 3 2024

Dutch public prioritizes combating fake news for AI research agenda >

A study by Waag Futurelab and Ipsos I&O, commissioned by the Dutch AI Coalition, highlights the Dutch public's priority for AI research topics, emphasizing the fight against fake news and polarization.

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