
Piyush Bagad receives KHMW Thesis Prize for Informatica and Informatiekunde

29 November 2023

Piyush Bagad receives KHMW Thesis Prize for Informatica and Informatiekunde >

Master AI alumnus Piyush Bagad is the recipient of the KHMW Thesis Prize for Informatica and Informatiekunde. During an award ceremony organized by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen on 27 November, he will receive a prize of 3000 euros for his thesis entitled “It’s About Time: Time Awareness in Video Foundation Models”.

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How you can Quickly and precisely measure tumors, thanks to AI

28 November 2023

How you can Quickly and precisely measure tumors, thanks to AI >

The CAESAR research group at Amsterdam UMC developed an AI tool that automatically shows liver tumors on CT scans of patients with colon cancer that has spread to the liver. This gives doctors quick insight into the size of the tumors. The fact that the tool is now being investigated in the doctor's daily practice is good news, as many AI tools remain stuck in the development phase. Researcher Michiel Zeeuw explains how this software came about.

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Vacancy: Tenure-track or tenured position in responsible AI

28 November 2023

Vacancy: Tenure-track or tenured position in responsible AI >

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science, based in Amsterdam. CWI strives to be a diverse and inclusive research institute. To achieve balanced representation in leadership positions, we will prioritize applications from women researchers (including identifying as) for a number of job openings we will have in the course of this year.

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Olivier Lugier wins Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2023

27 November 2023

Olivier Lugier wins Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2023 >

On 21 November, the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards (AmSIA) were presented for the 16th time at the NEMO Science Museum. In the Environment & Climate category, Olivier Lugier, researcher at HIMS, won with his pitch Nano Hybrids: a more sustainable technology for the production of nanoparticles. Lugier will use the €10,000 prize to further develop the idea and bring Nano Hybrids to market.

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Looking back at Amsterdam AI Highlights Event

24 November 2023

Looking back at Amsterdam AI Highlights Event >

The day after, how good that feels. Yesterday evening the Amsterdam AI network came together to listen to a great keynote by Piek Vossen, an update on the current state of affairs within Amsterdam AI, to say goodbye to the Management team of Amsterdam Data Science, and finally, to congratulate the winners of the Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards and offer them a stage.

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How do political parties think about AI and Algorithms?

21 November 2023

How do political parties think about AI and Algorithms? >

Hopefully, you are voting today, but even though everyone may have already read up on all the election programs, we still want to shed some light on the progress of politics and AI. With the arrival of ChatGPT, AI has become the focus of attention. The election programs of Dutch parties do not always reflect this. de Volkskrant wrote an article about this and learn some of it here

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Amsterdam AI November Newsletter

21 November 2023

Amsterdam AI November Newsletter >

Hot off the press! The first full Newsletter was sent out today! We are very happy! Have you registered yet?

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Dutch authorities team up with UNESCO on ethical AI

21 November 2023

Dutch authorities team up with UNESCO on ethical AI >

The Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure (NCCA) and UNESCO are shaping the future of AI in Europe with their collaborative project, 'Supervising AI by Competent Authorities.'

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PhD Positions - ICAI

21 November 2023

PhD Positions - ICAI >

Are you ready to create with purpose? The Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence is offering you the opportunity to work on real-world challenges with access to real data.

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SCRIPT project

22 March 2024

SCRIPT project >

SCRIPT: Scripting criminal processes: Review and implementation of practical tools” led by Avans University of Applied Sciences in which the MultiX group is partner, has been accepted by NWO in the mission-driven innovation program.

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An empowering collaboration: Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) partners with Women in AI

19 March 2024

An empowering collaboration: Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) partners with Women in AI >

Women in AI recently conducted an insightful interview with Miriam Veronesi, shedding light on the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the collaborative efforts between the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) and Women in AI. As Chair of Start-ups and Scale-ups for the NL AIC and a prominent figure at TNO, where she focuses on the societal, economic, and ethical aspects of AI, Miriam has been at the forefront of tech innovation for years.

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Amsterdam hospitals will share data

19 March 2024

Amsterdam hospitals will share data >

'Health Data Space Amsterdam' enables (re)use of medical data to improve care and keep it accessible

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AiNed MIT AI call for SMEs launched to boost AI innovation power in the Netherlands

15 March 2024

AiNed MIT AI call for SMEs launched to boost AI innovation power in the Netherlands >

Are you working with other SME entrepreneurs to develop or innovate products, production processes or services in the field of AI? Then the MIT scheme may be for you.

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Mapping stress with AI: The DESTRESS initiative

March 9 2024

Mapping stress with AI: The DESTRESS initiative >

Amsterdam UMC, in collaboration with a consortium of partners, is taking a significant leap forward with the innovative DESTRESS project. Spearheaded by Professor Christiaan Vinkers, a renowned expert in Stress and Resilience, DESTRESS focuses on employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the way organizations manage stress and bolster resilience. At a time when stress-related absenteeism results in 2.9 million days lost and over one billion euros in costs annually, such an initiative couldn't be more timely.  

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