
Rubicon grant for three UvA scientific talents

25 July 2023

Rubicon grant for three UvA scientific talents >

Dr. Andrea Cordaro (Institute of Physics & AMOLF), Henk van Voorst (Amsterdam UMC, location AMC) and Dr. Ruy Kortbeek (Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences) received a Rubicon grant from NWO and ZonMW. This allows them to conduct research at an institution abroad.

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Call for Nominations is Open – Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards

July 18 2023

Call for Nominations is Open – Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards >

The Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards aim to promote excellence in AI and Data Science from students at the Bachelor and Master level in Amsterdam-based Amsterdam-AI university partners (HvA, UvA, and VU). 

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Education Day UvA IvI / ILLC 2023

July 13, 2023

Education Day UvA IvI / ILLC 2023 >

For the third year Paola Grosso (Graduate School of Informatics) and Jacobijn Sandberg (College of Informatics) organized the education day at the University of Amsterdam.

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Data Science Center launches pioneering research programme on AI with all 7 UvA faculties

July 6, 2023

Data Science Center launches pioneering research programme on AI with all 7 UvA faculties >

The UvA Data Science Centre announces a pioneering research programme to align artificial intelligence (AI) for video data interpretation with human values and ethical principles. Within the project, a unique laboratory will be set up to study video AI from a multidisciplinary perspective - the research team will consist of researchers and PhD students from all 7 UvA faculties.

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University Pride lecture: creating an AI rainbow code

July 4, 2023

University Pride lecture: creating an AI rainbow code >

On Thursday 3 August, during University Pride, UvA student Jimena Lara will give the lecture 'Creating an AI rainbow code' at the Social Hub. In this interview, Jimena previews her lecture.

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COR's continued focus on workload and ChatGPT

July 2, 2023

COR's continued focus on workload and ChatGPT >

The Central Works Council (COR) defends the interests of all employees and does so through constant consultation with the Executive Board (CvB) through advice, consent, unsolicited opinions and by participating in many committees. But the COR also defends employees' interests outside those appropriate paths.

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Merger gives push to responsible AI

May 31 2023

Merger gives push to responsible AI >

The merger of the Smart Health Amsterdam initiative with Amsterdam AI became a reality on May 31st, 2023! All partners and collaborating companies celebrated the merger at the mayor's residence in the capital.

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Santeon hospitals in the Netherlands are the first to roll out artificial intelligence in the ICU

26 May 2023

Santeon hospitals in the Netherlands are the first to roll out artificial intelligence in the ICU >

OLVG hospital in Amsterdam is the first to use AI decision support for safe ICU discharge

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Make the Netherlands a frontrunner in responsible AI

May 22, 2023

Make the Netherlands a frontrunner in responsible AI >

Investing in talent, a joint agenda and a strong infrastructure are key elements for the Netherlands to take a leading role in responsible AI. That was the message from the Amsterdam AI coalition to Minister for Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen and Alderman Alexander Scholtes during their working visit to LAB 42.

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Supervisor concerns about AI risks, little visibility into incidents

29 December 2023

Supervisor concerns about AI risks, little visibility into incidents >

The risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) have increased sharply this year, warns the Personal Data Authority in its first annual report on AI.

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Results of pilot programme Learning Communities around AI

28 December 2023

Results of pilot programme Learning Communities around AI >

As a system technology, AI has a major impact on a wide field of sectors and the people working in them. Developments follow each other in rapid succession and the market requires new knowledge and proper trained people all the time.

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Political call: AI remains human work, right now multidisciplinary collaboration

27 December 2023

Political call: AI remains human work, right now multidisciplinary collaboration >

The elected political parties face important tasks in the Netherlands. Besides forming a cabinet, there are also several social issues that require urgent solutions or a breakthrough.

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TNO and Kieskompas research: AI language models are inconsistent and tend towards the left

19 December 2023

TNO and Kieskompas research: AI language models are inconsistent and tend towards the left >

Generative AI language models ('large language models') that fill out Kieskompas' voting aid come out on the left side of the political spectrum. In addition, the models do not consistently answer subjective questions and quickly exhibit very different behaviour due to small changes in the question.

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Podcast series AI in the Public Sector

19 December 2023

Podcast series AI in the Public Sector >

AI is now having a major impact on our daily lives. The technology influences everything from how medical diagnoses are made to what we watch and buy. It is clear: the role of AI is growing. But how is it being applied within the public sector?

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