
ADS’s Integration with Amsterdam AI - Next Steps

15 Augustus 2023

ADS’s Integration with Amsterdam AI - Next Steps >

Amsterdam Data Science is excited to announce the next step in joining forces with Amsterdam AI. Together, we will support Amsterdam’s development as an international hub for Responsible AI.

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AI legislation at least as far-reaching as European privacy rules

14 August 2023

AI legislation at least as far-reaching as European privacy rules >

Jacintha Walters recently graduated from the HvA master's programme Applied Artificial Intelligence on a topical subject: the European AI Act, which comes into force at the end of 2023. She examined the extent to which a number of large and small companies are prepared for these regulations. On a number of points, that preparation still falls short, she finds in her thesis and in a paper, which will be out soon. "Better preparation is badly needed, because this is going to have as much impact as the AVG," she says.

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Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management

August 14, 2023

Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management >

This is an Invitation to the inaugural lecture of Professor Hannes Mühleisen. He is a Professor of Data Engineering at Radboud University, Faculty of Science, Co-Founder and CEO of DuckDB and Senior Researcher at the CWI. Hannes will deliver his inaugural lecture on Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 3.45 p.m, entitled: “The Ancient Art of Data Management” at Radboud University, Nijmegen.

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When will Robust AI-Supported Medical Imaging Finally Become a Reality?

10 Augustus 2023

When will Robust AI-Supported Medical Imaging Finally Become a Reality? >

How is it that AI techniques for medical imaging are accurate in the lab, yet fail in practice?

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Working Visit from the Ministry of Digitalisation

10 Augustus 2023

Working Visit from the Ministry of Digitalisation >

Amsterdam AI welcomed the Minister for Digitalisation Alexandra van Huffelen and Alderman Alexander Scholtes for a working visit to LAB42. 

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PhD Positions Open ICAI

9 August 2023

PhD Positions Open ICAI >

The Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence is offering you the opportunity to work on real-world challenges with access to real data. Our ultimate goal is to make AI safe and trustworthy for the benefit of everyone. Collaboration is key. Are you in?

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HAICU Project Receives 10.3 Million in Funding

8 Augustus 2023

HAICU Project Receives 10.3 Million in Funding >

Amsterdam AI partners CWI, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the University of Amsterdam are involved in the HAICu project. This project has received funding of 10.3 million euros and focuses on connecting large-scale multimodal digital heritage collections. 

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 Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management

8 Augustus 2023

Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management >

This is an Invitation to the inaugural lecture of Professor Hannes Mühleisen. He is a Professor of Data Engineering at Radboud University, Faculty of Science, Co-Founder and CEO of DuckDB and Senior Researcher at the CWI.

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Call for AI Researchers to Build Life Sciences & Health Business

Deadline - 24 October 2023

Call for AI Researchers to Build Life Sciences & Health Business >

The Faculty of Impact of the Netherlands is looking for you! Their work: turn science into impact. By supporting promising AI researchers of Dutch research institutes with a two-year fellowship. That’s two years to turn your breakthrough research into a business. But not just any business. It’s about business with a big impact. And for the record: a non-profit is a business too.

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How AI is increasingly influencing elections

7 January 2024

How AI is increasingly influencing elections >

Marietje Schaake, director of technology policy at US university Stanford, outlines what the rise of AI means for elections.

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Experts surprised at police use of AI techniques

5 January 2024

Experts surprised at police use of AI techniques >

Police are experimenting with facial recognition technology while there are hardly any rules for it yet. This surprises experts.

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Working at KPN through AI

4 January 2024

Working at KPN through AI >

Seven companies, including KPN, have founded the Arbeidsmatchplatform. A social start-up that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to look for untapped potential in the labour market. This is important for the energy transition but also for the rollout of fibre optics.

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Famous AI image bank offline after discovery of child abuse images

2 January 2024

Famous AI image bank offline after discovery of child abuse images >

A large and widely used AI database has been temporarily taken offline after researchers discovered that it contains more than a thousand child abuse images. Painful because AI companies use the image database to train their models.

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The New York Times sues tech companies over copyright infringement

29 December 2023

The New York Times sues tech companies over copyright infringement >

The New York Times is filing a lawsuit against Microsoft and OpenAI for copyright infringement.

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