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May 17 2024

Ellogon.ai's Succes | An Interview

Which cancer patients truly benefit from immunotherapy? Doctors can use the AI tool EIDOS from healthcare innovation startup Ellogon.ai to find out. Director Robert Kuipers: "If we don't continuously apply technology in healthcare, our system will break down."

Ellogon.ai has had a hectic few months. In February, the company won the regional round of the Healthcare Innovation Prize, securing a one-year membership in the Network Council. Their AI solution EIDOS assists medical specialists in selecting patients for immunotherapy. Ellogon.ai developed the tool in collaboration with the Netherlands Cancer Institute. The product already has CE certification, and four Dutch academic hospitals and one Greek hospital are working on its implementation.


The Amsterdam startup raised one million euros from investors ROM InWest and UvA Ventures. Additionally, director Robert Kuipers spoke with potential investors in Europe and the United States. The day after this interview, he flies to Greece to visit one of the hospitals implementing EIDOS. In between, he is busy expanding the number of employees at Ellogon.ai. “Never a dull moment,” Kuipers laughs euphemistically.


Ellogon.ai developed EIDOS together with the Netherlands Cancer Institute and is located at Amsterdam Science Park. These networks are crucial for the company. "The NKI, with the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, is among the global top. Everyone relevant to us knows them, and they know everyone. Through the Science Park, we are closely connected with the University of Amsterdam, from which we are also a spinoff. The UvA is leading in AI. That AI image also reflects on us."


According to Kuipers, proximity is also a significant factor. "Every Monday, we speak with pathologists and other medical professionals at our office about how they can use EIDOS in their work and how they select patients for immunotherapy. Every doctor does this in their own way, so we learn a lot from these conversations."


In the regional round of the Healthcare Innovation Prize, Ellogon.ai also won a one-year membership in the Network Council. This network offers a broader range of connections than their current network. "From the mayor and alderman of Amsterdam to companies that may not be involved in healthcare. Such relationships can also be interesting for us."


Kuipers has big dreams for Ellogon.ai. "Of all the hospitals in Europe that apply immunotherapy, 20 percent will be using EIDOS. We will have demonstrated significant cost savings. My big dream is that in five years, we will be developing better cancer drugs with a large pharmaceutical company and a major academic institution. Because AI can also help with that."


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