
HAICU Project Receives 10.3 Million in Funding

8 Augustus 2023

HAICU Project Receives 10.3 Million in Funding >

Amsterdam AI partners CWI, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the University of Amsterdam are involved in the HAICu project. This project has received funding of 10.3 million euros and focuses on connecting large-scale multimodal digital heritage collections. 

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 Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management

8 Augustus 2023

Invitation Inaugural Lecture | The Ancient Art of Data Management >

This is an Invitation to the inaugural lecture of Professor Hannes Mühleisen. He is a Professor of Data Engineering at Radboud University, Faculty of Science, Co-Founder and CEO of DuckDB and Senior Researcher at the CWI.

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Call for AI Researchers to Build Life Sciences & Health Business

Deadline - 24 October 2023

Call for AI Researchers to Build Life Sciences & Health Business >

The Faculty of Impact of the Netherlands is looking for you! Their work: turn science into impact. By supporting promising AI researchers of Dutch research institutes with a two-year fellowship. That’s two years to turn your breakthrough research into a business. But not just any business. It’s about business with a big impact. And for the record: a non-profit is a business too.

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Rubicon grant for three UvA scientific talents

25 July 2023

Rubicon grant for three UvA scientific talents >

Dr. Andrea Cordaro (Institute of Physics & AMOLF), Henk van Voorst (Amsterdam UMC, location AMC) and Dr. Ruy Kortbeek (Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences) received a Rubicon grant from NWO and ZonMW. This allows them to conduct research at an institution abroad.

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Call for Nominations is Open – Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards

July 18 2023

Call for Nominations is Open – Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards >

The Amsterdam AI Thesis Awards aim to promote excellence in AI and Data Science from students at the Bachelor and Master level in Amsterdam-based Amsterdam-AI university partners (HvA, UvA, and VU). 

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