
Report Medica Dusseldorf: through the eyes of a participant

20 November 2024

Report Medica Dusseldorf: through the eyes of a participant >

On November 14th, 2023, Amsterdam AI, together with the ROM Utrecht Region and TINL partners organized a visitors program in which we organized a travel by bus to the Medica Conference in Düsseldorf. A participant who participated in this travel tells us about his experience at Medica 2023!

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‘Independent scientists must take the lead in monitoring AI’

19 November 2023

‘Independent scientists must take the lead in monitoring AI’ >

Experts from the UvA and Amsterdam UMC, two knowledge institutions for whom artificial intelligence is an important topic, today published so-called 'living guidelines' for responsible use of generative AI - such as the ChatGPT tool - in Nature.

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 Application for National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 opened

17 November 2023

Application for National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 opened >

Preparations for the Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 are in full swing and registration has begun! Together with the partners of Zorg2025, Amsterdam Economic Board organizes the annual regional preliminary round for participants from the province of North Holland and Flevoland.

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One year of The AI, Media and Democracy Lab

17 November 2023

One year of The AI, Media and Democracy Lab >

We are celebrating The AI, Media and Democracy Lab (ELSA Lab) first birthday! Last year they started the trajectory as a Dutch Research Council-funded Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) Lab. The overarching goal: to develop and test value-driven, human-centered AI applications and ethical and legal frameworks for responsible use of AI in the media. 

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PhD Positions in Pioneering research on Human-Aligned Video AI

17 November 2023

PhD Positions in Pioneering research on Human-Aligned Video AI >

The DSC HAVA-Lab will be established through the Interdisciplinary PhD programme initiated by the UvA Data Science Centre. The mission of this first multidisciplinary laboratory is to define human-aligned video-AI, develop computable models, and examine the factors influencing its societal acceptance.

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