
Explore the Power of Data Commons with the Data Commons Collective

2 July 2024

Explore the Power of Data Commons with the Data Commons Collective >

The Data Commons Collective initiative is exploring the societal benefits, power, and limits of data commons, treating data as a new digital resource that serves the community.

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Amsterdam more attractive for start-ups than Paris and Berlin

June 27 2024

Amsterdam more attractive for start-ups than Paris and Berlin >

Research by the American institute Startup Genome reveals that Amsterdam is the most attractive city in Europe for start-ups, after London. Amsterdam scores high on access to financing and availability of talent. The city ranks thirteenth globally.

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AI: Useful tool or destructive to education? Interview with Bert Bredeweg

25 June 2024

AI: Useful tool or destructive to education? Interview with Bert Bredeweg >

This month we are focused on AI in education. We spoke to Bert Bredeweg, Professor of Science education at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Associate Professor at the Institute for Informatics at the University of Amsterdam, about his vision of AI in education, the rapid rise of generative AI, and what according to him is necessary to jointly participate in this 'real' technological revolution.

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AISO on their succesful first event

24 June 2024

AISO on their succesful first event >

We spoke to student association AISO about their first organized event and how they experienced it.

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€28 Million for AI Start-up in Amsterdam Aiming to Develop Climate Transition Materials

20 June 2024

€28 Million for AI Start-up in Amsterdam Aiming to Develop Climate Transition Materials >

British-Dutch company CuspAI has raised €28 million ($30 million) in startup capital to develop materials for more efficient CO2 capture using AI. Venture capitalists see potential in this innovative approach. CuspAI, a startup founded by Dutch professor Max Welling, a computer scientist at the University of Amsterdam and an AI expert, aims to use AI to find and develop materials that can efficiently capture CO2. The company announced on Tuesday that it has secured €28 million in funding from investors.

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Amsterdam AI Video Series

20 June 2024

Amsterdam AI Video Series >

Discover our video series now.

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70% of Dutch People Don’t Use Generative AI

20 June 2024

70% of Dutch People Don’t Use Generative AI >

A survey by the University of Amsterdam's AlgoSoc AI Opinion Monitor reveals that 70% of Dutch people have not used generative AI like ChatGPT. However, attitudes and usage differ by age. Researchers Ernesto de León, Fabio Votta, Theo Araujo, and Claes de Vreese surveyed nearly 4,000 respondents and will continue this study for the next three years.

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The Interplay of Media, Democracy, and Technology: Navigating Trust and Disinformation

19 June 2024

The Interplay of Media, Democracy, and Technology: Navigating Trust and Disinformation >

In the ever-evolving social landscape of the 21st century, the intricate interplay between media, democracy, and technology has become a central theme. This dynamic trio is at the heart of a complex and continually changing relationship that shapes the way societies function, the manner in which information is disseminated, and the extent to which democratic principles are upheld.

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Guiding the Digital Future: Insights from Joris van Hoboken

19 June 2024

Guiding the Digital Future: Insights from Joris van Hoboken >

As we move deeper into a digital era, platforms like Facebook and X have significantly reshaped our society. The advent of quantum technology is poised to bring even more profound changes. This raises an essential question: how do we safeguard citizens' rights and democratic interests amidst rapid technological advancements? Joris van Hoboken, a professor of Information Law with a focus on digital infrastructure, aims to explore this issue extensively over the coming years.

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Only through AI and machine learning can we come to grips with all chemicals around us

July 4, 2024

Only through AI and machine learning can we come to grips with all chemicals around us >

The open-access Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS Au) has just published an invited perspective by Dr. Saer Samanipour and his team on the daunting challenge of mapping all the chemicals around us. Samanipour, an Assistant Professor at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), takes inventory of the available science and concludes that currently a real pro-active chemical management is not feasible. To really get a grip on the vast and expanding chemical universe, Samanipour advocates the use of machine learning and AI, complementing existing strategies for detecting and identifying all molecules we are exposed to.

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Developing a method to make AI explainable to humans

July 4, 2024

Developing a method to make AI explainable to humans >

AI can take over many of our tasks, creating endless possibilities. But how can we ensure that AI models are understandable and explainable to humans? In a new, interdisciplinary research project, UvA researchers are developing a method for this. ‘We accept more easily what makes sense to us – and that can lead us to trust systems that are not trustworthy.’

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European Council adopts regulation on use of supercomputing in AI development

Juli 4 2024

European Council adopts regulation on use of supercomputing in AI development >

The Council of the European Union has adopted an amendment to the regulation of the European High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC) joint undertaking. This amendment expands its objectives to facilitate the development and operation of 'AI factories'. This will make the EU's supercomputing capacity further available for innovative European start-ups and SMEs to train their AI models and develop their projects.

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Open Position: Event Coördinator bij Amsterdam AI

2 Juli 2024

Open Position: Event Coördinator bij Amsterdam AI >

Are you a passionate event coordinator with a talent for creating unforgettable experiences? Do you have a flair for organizing events that bring people together and inspire them? And are you looking for a role in which you can combine your creativity with project management skills? Then this is your opportunity to become part of our dynamic team!

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Explore the Power of Data Commons with the Data Commons Collective

2 July 2024

Explore the Power of Data Commons with the Data Commons Collective >

The Data Commons Collective initiative is exploring the societal benefits, power, and limits of data commons, treating data as a new digital resource that serves the community.

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