
Trust as a starting point for data sharing in healthcare

14 November 2023

Trust as a starting point for data sharing in healthcare >

Every other newsletter we aim to bring you an interview with someone who is changing the AI ecosystem. This month it's Mat Daemen (Full Professor, Pathology)!  

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A new theory sheds light on the ‘shallow’ structure of the brain and AI

14 November 2023

A new theory sheds light on the ‘shallow’ structure of the brain and AI >

Recent advances in artificial intelligence are astounding. Some people even claim that AI systems are already sentient.

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Better Images of AI: A Guide for Users and Creators

14 November 2023

Better Images of AI: A Guide for Users and Creators >

Stock images strongly influence the ways in which non-expert audiences think about and understand the topics they illustrate. This is why it is worrying that research has repeatedly shown that many images of AI are misleading and unhelpful.

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Recap: Amsterdam AI Meetup presents ILLC: Alternatives for ChatGPT

13 November 2023

Recap: Amsterdam AI Meetup presents ILLC: Alternatives for ChatGPT >

In last week's Amsterdam AI Meetup edition in collaboration with Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) - University of Amsterdam (UvA) we delved into alternatives for ChatGPT: How good are open-source and in-house LLMs? 

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Dutch Applied AI Award 2023 to KLM, Mainblades and KPN

13 November 2023

Dutch Applied AI Award 2023 to KLM, Mainblades and KPN >

KLM Engineering & Maintenance, Mainblades and KPN won this year's Dutch Applied AI Award. The award jury particularly praised the linking of drones, communication technology and Artificial Intelligence in this partnership.

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Better weather forecast thanks to AI

13 November 2023

Better weather forecast thanks to AI >

Using AI, it is possible to better predict warm weather. For this, atmospheric scientist Chiem van Straaten developed a method that learns from wrong weather predictions and leads to more reliable information.

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AI for Sustainable Molecules and Materials research programme

12 November 2023

AI for Sustainable Molecules and Materials research programme >

To kick-start the new Research Priority Area (RPA) of the Faculty of Science in "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Molecules and Materials" (AI4SMM), four projects have just been launched. 

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Fighting the reading crisis with a reading robot

12 November 2023

Fighting the reading crisis with a reading robot >

Three researchers from VU Amsterdam are starting a pilot with a reading robot for primary school students. They want to test whether robots can help increase children's reading skills.

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New taxonomy aims to improve generalization research in NLP

10 November 2023

New taxonomy aims to improve generalization research in NLP >

Natural Language Processing—the subfield of computer science concerned with giving computers the ability to ‘understand’ and ‘generate’ human language—has taken a huge flight in the past decade.

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 Project introduces ChatGPT as a learning tool in FNWI education

21 February 2024

Project introduces ChatGPT as a learning tool in FNWI education >

An innovative project within the FNWI focuses on a few selected courses and strives for close collaboration between teaching teams, AI experts from the faculty and educational expertise from TLC Science. The target?

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 Between Innovation and Ethics: AI-Driven Weapons Under the Scrutiny

20 February 2024

Between Innovation and Ethics: AI-Driven Weapons Under the Scrutiny >

At a time when artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining traction, we are at a critical crossroads where technological advances are challenging our traditional views on warfare.

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Founder of launches a news website made entirely by AI

19 February 2024

Founder of launches a news website made entirely by AI >

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the news industry as we know it. At, the founder, Merien ten Houten, has made this vision a reality with the launch of 'The Illustrated Artificial Intelligence' (DGKI). This means it is no longer science fiction, but has become an intriguing reality in which AI not only collects, selects and writes news, but even produces vivid images to bring stories to life.

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Raquel Fernández tries to make chatbots more human

14 February 2024

Raquel Fernández tries to make chatbots more human >

Last year, AI systems that write human texts made their breakthrough worldwide. Yet many scientific questions about how exactly they work remain unanswered. The UvA asked three UvA researchers how they try to make the underlying language models more transparent, reliable and human. This week, colleague Raquel Fernández talks about her research.

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14 February 2024 wins preliminary National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 >

We are delighted to announce that has emerged victorious as the North Holland preliminary round winner for the esteemed Zorginnovatieprijs. As the chosen scaleup from Amsterdam, will proudly present its innovative EIDOS technology at the upcoming national finals on March 21st!

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