
Market vision for AI image recognition with drones co-launched by NL AIC

6 February 2024

Market vision for AI image recognition with drones co-launched by NL AIC >

The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), in collaboration with PIANOo Expertise Center and supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, recently published a market vision for AI image recognition with drones. This vision provides insight into the responsible use of AI and drones within government services, such as biodiversity monitoring, infrastructure inspections and maintenance.

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The AI Taskforce of VU and UvA: what exactly do they do?

31 January 2024

The AI Taskforce of VU and UvA: what exactly do they do? >

In September 2023, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) took a significant step in the educational landscape with the launch of their joint AI Taskforce. A dynamic group of eight experts from both universities join forces: not only to explore the challenges, but also the unprecedented possibilities of artificial intelligence within higher education.

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New AI gadgets want to compete with Siri and Alexa

29 January 2024

New AI gadgets want to compete with Siri and Alexa >

It has been possible for years: operating computers with your voice instead of your hands. Apple, Google and Amazon have developed and marketed their own smart assistant and accompanying speaker in recent years. Now that the artificial intelligence (AI) required for this is improving, two startups are bringing new gadgets to the market that focus on voice control. Can they provide a breakthrough?

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Impact Magazine - Road to the AI-Ready Student

29 January 2024

Impact Magazine - Road to the AI-Ready Student >

Hot off the press: Brand new edition of HvA Impact Magazine!

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Amsterdam AI strengthens cooperation with new agreement

24 January 2024

Amsterdam AI strengthens cooperation with new agreement >

The nine leading partners of Amsterdam AI recently signed a new agreement, strengthening their collaboration. With the partners' contributions, financial support is now coming in, focusing on hiring professionals for communication, strategy, and other crucial functions. This will take the collaboration to the next level and enable groundbreaking AI innovations to be realised, with human-centred and socially responsible AI at its core.

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Amsterdam AI celebrates ELSA status for AI for Health Equity Lab

23 January 2024

Amsterdam AI celebrates ELSA status for AI for Health Equity Lab >

Amsterdam AI proudly announces the recent awarding of the ELSA Label to the AI for Health Equity Lab by the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC). The ELSA label (Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects) closely matches Amsterdam AI’s commitment to responsible and people-centered AI. 

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European Commissioner speeds up ambitious mission against the danger of AI

22 January 2024

European Commissioner speeds up ambitious mission against the danger of AI >

She is known as the digital czar of Europe: European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. She is hastening the introduction of the new law that should restrict artificial intelligence. The first law in the world that supervises Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Opinion: 'We need to invest in a national AI infrastructure now'

22 January 2024

Opinion: 'We need to invest in a national AI infrastructure now' >

To avoid losing the battle for generative AI to dominant players such as America and China, the Netherlands must invest like a hare in an AI infrastructure. For our safety and economic security, argue concerned scientists from three universities.

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A strong ecosystem for responsible generative AI for the Netherlands

19 January 2024

A strong ecosystem for responsible generative AI for the Netherlands >

On Thursday, 18 January 2024, the government was the first EU member state to present its vision for generative AI, highlighting the importance of an active government mindful of both the opportunities and threats of AI as a systems technology.

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Study: Dutch companies unprepared for European AI legislation

April 19 2024

Study: Dutch companies unprepared for European AI legislation >

Following the recent approval of the EU-AI Act by the European Parliament, a new study from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences examines how Dutch companies are preparing for this sweeping legislation.

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CWI researcher Madelon Hulsebos receives NGF AiNed fellowship

April 19 2024

CWI researcher Madelon Hulsebos receives NGF AiNed fellowship >

Madelon Hulsebos, an incoming tenure-track researcher, has received an NGF AiNed Fellowship grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for a project that enables anyone to make independent, data-driven decisions based on structured data.

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ERC Advanced Grant for Peter Grünwald of the CWI

April 19 2024

ERC Advanced Grant for Peter Grünwald of the CWI >

Peter Grünwald, senior researcher at the Machine Learning group of CWI and part-time full professor of Statistical Learning at Leiden University, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his research on developing a new, revolutionary theory of statistics.

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COIN-3D: collaborative innovation in 3D VLSI reliability

April 18 2024

COIN-3D: collaborative innovation in 3D VLSI reliability >

The Parallel Computing Systems (PCS) team at the Informatics Institute of the UvA has secured funding for the EU Horizon CSA project "COIN-3D: Collaborative Innovation in 3D VLSI Reliability".

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Podcast: The Good Conversations #26: Responsible Digital Transformations

April 16 2024

Podcast: The Good Conversations #26: Responsible Digital Transformations >

Tune into the latest episode of "The Good Conversations" on Spotify, which delves into the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of digital technologies.

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