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9 Augustus 2023

PhD Posities Open ICAI

Het Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence biedt je de mogelijkheid om te werken aan real-world uitdagingen met toegang tot echte data. Ons uiteindelijke doel is om AI veilig en betrouwbaar te maken in het voordeel van iedereen. Samenwerking staat centraal. Doe je mee?
Meld je hier aan! Als onderdeel van het ROBUST-programma bieden we in 2023 in totaal 85 volledig gefinancierde PhD-studentposities aan, plus nog eens 85 in 2027. De huidige status van onze werving voor de eerste groep van 85 PhD-posities is:
  • Opens soon: 17 positions
  • Currently open: 9 positions
  • Closed: 12 positions
  • Filled: 47 positions

(Last update: July 18, 2023)

Lab 1 – RAIL: Responsible Decision Support for Efficient and Dynamic Railway Systems

  • PhD1.1: Filled – Cooperation between human and AI planners
  • PhD1.2: Filled – Robust planning and resilience
  • PhD1.3: Open – Quickly reacting to changes and disruptions
  • PhD1.4: Filled – Supporting strategic decisions regarding the infrastructure capacity
  • PhD1.5: Filled – Learning from previous situations and producing recognizable plans

Lab 2 – Genius 

Lab 3 – AI-FAIR: AI for Automotive Imaging Radar

  • PhD3.1: Filled – Physics-based deep learning for super-resolution compressive radar
  • PhD3.2: Filled – Deep learning for radar artifact mitigation
  • PhD3.3: Closed – Deep learning for 4D automotive imaging radar collision prediction
  • PhD3.4: Closed – Neural architecture search for 4D Imaging radar networks
  • PhD3.5: Closed – Explainable deep data-driven AI

Lab 4 – REM: Responsible Media Lab

  • PhD4.1: Open – Legal aspects of the use of (generative) AI in the media
  • PhD4.2: Closed – Explaining recommendations
  • PhD4.3: Filled – Synergies between platforms
  • PhD4.4: Filled – Network perspective on content and user behavior
  • PhD4.5: Filled – Generating news content

Lab 5 – ICAI Stroke Lab: From 112 to Rehabilitation

  • PhD5.1: Filled – Pre-interventional stroke data & AI
  • PhD5.2: Filled – Clinical decision support and EVT optimization
  • PhD5.3: Filled – Image-guided intervention
  • PhD5.4: Filled – Rehabilitation
  • PhD5.5: Filled – User acceptance of AI tools

Lab 6 – Trustworthy AI for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • PhD6.1: Filled – Trustworthy AI for adaptive and precision MR protocols
  • PhD6.2: Filled – End-to-end deep learning quantitative MR reconstruction
  • PhD6.3: Filled – Trustworthy AI for integrated diagnostics of brain tumors
  • PhD6.4: Filled – Trustworthy AI for improved diagnosis of bone and soft-tissue lesions on MRI
  • PhD6.5: Closed – Acceptance of radiological AI technology in a clinical setting

Lab 8 – ILUSTRE: Innovation Lab for Utilities on Sustainable Technology and Renewable Energy

  • PhD8.1: Opens soon – AI for decision support in water desalination, recycling and purification
  • PhD8.2: Opens soon – AI for power load and renewable energy forecasting in electricity grids
  • PhD8.3: Closed – AI for predictive maintenance in water and electricity infrastructure
  • PhD8.4: Opens soon – AI for power grid balancing using recommendation-enhanced demand response
  • PhD8.5: Opens soon – Social support for the real-world introduction of AI in critical infrastructure

Lab 9 – AI4MRI: MRI Made Faster, Cheaper, and Better

  • PhD9.1: Filled – AI-based reconstruction for robust single-contrast MR imaging
  • PhD9.2: Filled – AI-based reconstruction for multi-contrast MR imaging
  • PhD9.3: Opens soon – AI-based reconstruction for 4D free-breathing cardiac MRI
  • PhD9.4: Opens soon – AI adaptation to new developments in MRI
  • PhD9.5: Filled – Effectiveness of accelerated MR imaging

Lab 10 – AI for Parkinson

  • PhD10.1: Filled – Digital progression biomarkers based on real-life monitoring
  • PhD10.2: Filled – Digital progression biomarkers based on real-life monitoring
  • PhD10.3: Filled – Relationship between clinical and pathophysiological subtypes and PD progression
  • PhD10.4: Opens soon – AI-based video analysis for differential diagnosis
  • PhD10.5: Closed – Trust in AI-based remote monitoring tools for PD research & self-management

Lab 11 – MERAI: MeVis and Radboudumc AI Lab

  • PhD11.1: Filled – AI for automated CT lung screening
  • PhD11.2: Filled – Ethical, legal & societal aspects of automated screening of CT scans
  • PhD11.3: Filled – Automated detection of incidental findings in lung CT
  • PhD11.4: Opens soon – Accurate lung cancer diagnosis & staging using AI-based detection and quantification
  • PhD11.5: Opens soon – Artificial intelligence for new modalities in cancer diagnostics

Lab 12 – ASM ICAI Lab: Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing ICAI Lab

  • PhD12.1: Opens soon – Simulation-based machine learning
  • PhD12.2: Filled – Predictive maintenance
  • PhD12.3: Opens soon – Adaptive deep learning
  • PhD12.4: Filled – Neuromorphic computing
  • PhD12.5: Opens soon – Trustworthy deep learning

Lab 13 – AI for Energy Grids Lab

  • PhD13.1: Filled – Graph neural networks & reinforcement learning
  • PhD13.2: Filled – State-estimation with AI
  • PhD13.3: Filled – Risk-based investments and operation
  • PhD13.4: Filled – Digital mesh/decentralized control of energy flows
  • PhD13.5: Filled – Responsible & trustworthy AI for distribution system operation

Lab 15 – CARA Lab: Cardiology lab with Abbott, Radboudumc and AmsterdamUMC

  • PhD15.1: Filled – Automated OCT-assessment
  • PhD15.2: Closed – End-to-end learning for vulnerable plaque features
  • PhD15.3: Filled – Optimizing OCT-derived physiological measures
  • PhD15.4: Opens soon – Prediction of stent failure
  • PhD15.5: Opens soon – AI-driven OCT guidance in coronary revascularization

Lab 16 – HealthyAI

  • PhD16.1: Closed – Model-driven AI methods for prostate MRI analysis
  • PhD16.2: Closed – Model-driven AI methods for prostate MRI analysis
  • PhD16.3: Opens soon – Prostate MRI detection AI – Scientific quality management for repeatability and safety
  • PhD16.4: Filled – AI-assisted MRI surveillance of prostate cancer
  • PhD16.5: Opens soon – AI-assisted MR acquisition and steering

Lab 17 – FEPLab: Free Energy Principle Lab 

  • PhD17.1: Filled – Reactive message passing for robust inference
  • PhD17.2: Filled – Reactive message passing for FEP agents
  • PhD17.3: Filled – Generative probabilistic models for audio processing
  • PhD17.4: Open – Generative probabilistic models for covert user interactions
  • PhD17.5: Closed – Interaction design for hearing aid personalization

Lab 18 – TAIM: Trustworthy AI for Media Lab

  • PhD18.1: Filled – Automated subtitling for TV
  • PhD18.2: Filled – Full page personalization
  • PhD18.3: Filled – Synthetic media: Automatic promo material
  • PhD18.4: Filled – Perfect ad position
  • PhD18.5: Filled – Diversity & bias in AI and content

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CuspAI stelt zich voor in LAB42 >

Op 5 september 2024 presenteerden Max Welling en Chad Edwards, oprichters van CuspAI, hun innovatieve bedrijf tijdens de IvI koffie & taart-bijeenkomst. 

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Geavanceerde AI voor Bewakingsrobots: Samenwerking Tussen Nederlandse Instituten

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NeuroAI: Charlotte Frenkel onderzoekt de toekomst van AI met het menselijk brein als inspiratie

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NeuroAI: Charlotte Frenkel onderzoekt de toekomst van AI met het menselijk brein als inspiratie >

Met de toekenning van een AiNed Fellowship grant verdiept dr. Charlotte Frenkel van de TU Delft zich in neuromorphic computing, een grensverleggend onderzoek dat zich richt op energiezuinige en efficiënte AI-systemen, gebaseerd op de werking van het menselijk brein. Dit onderzoek brengt de wereld van AI en neurowetenschappen samen om computersystemen te ontwikkelen die sneller, energiezuiniger en intelligenter zijn.

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