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1 November 2023

Two openings at the VU Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science has two openings for an assistant/associate professor! One is focused on AI & Health (jointly with the Amsterdam UMC) and one on Human-Aware AI.
The Department of Computer Science has two openings for an assistant/associate professor! One is focused on AI & Health (jointly with the Amsterdam UMC) and one on Human-Aware AI.


Are you an experienced researcher in human-aware AI, and do you want to contribute to shaping the future of AI techniques and applications by making them fair for all? Then Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam would like to get to know you.
Algorithms are pervading society at a rapid pace. They are used in a variety of contexts, ranging from the replacement of certain tasks humans prefer to offload or cannot handle at large scale, to systems that support or advise humans. With the advent of these systems, their downsides also become more and more prominent. Systems that do not treat certain groups fairly and include biases, for example, have a huge impact on society. We are looking for an assistant/associate professor that focuses on algorithmic solutions for these problems. Examples of such adaptive, responsible and explainable AI may include learning bias-free models from biased data, evaluation approaches to estimate algorithmic fairness, formal norms and constraints on algorithms to guarantee fair treatment, culturally inclusive- and socially-aware AI, or explainable AI methods, as well as other relevant algorithmic approaches and solutions. We are looking for a colleague who is a leader in the field, and can contribute to a stream of high quality publications in this area, acquire external research grants, conduct excellent teaching, and act as a bridge builder within the Department. The position will be embedded in one of the existing AI research groups in the Department.


Do you want to contribute to the next generation of healthcare fueled by Artificial Intelligence? Do you want to act as a bridge between AI and health care?

We then invite you to apply for the position of Assistant/Associate professor for AI and Health, a joint position of the Computer Science Department of the VU and the Cancer Center Amsterdam of the Amsterdam UMC.
The potential of techniques from Artificial Intelligence for improved patient care is widely recognized. However, the number of applications that make it to the patient or clinician remains low. One of the causes of this gap is that clinicians and AI experts often speak a different language. To try and bridge the gap between the two disciplines the Amsterdam UMC (AUMC) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) are joining forces and are creating a joint position between the Cancer Center Amsterdam of the Amsterdam UMC and the Department of Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The position will focus on the use and re-use of structured and semi-structured clinical data (opposed to medical imaging or bioinformatics) to deploy and improve machine learning techniques to develop clinically relevant models, mainly (but not exclusively) targeting predictive modeling and personalization of healthcare. Besides purely data-driven approaches, making a combination with the vast amount of domain knowledge present in the medical domain is also in scope.

We are looking for a colleague with a cutting expertise, who is a leader in the field, and can contribute to our stream of high-quality publications in this area, acquire external research grants, conduct excellent teaching, and act as a bridge builder between the two involved institutes.

Vergelijkbaar >

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