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26 October 2023

Press release: ICAI launches it’s 50th collaborative research lab

ICAI is proud to launch its 50-th collaborative research lab. The new lab, dubbed “AI for Oversight,” will develop trustworthy and responsible AI-driven methods and applications for the support of governmental inspectors in the oversight domain.
ICAI is proud to launch its 50-th collaborative research lab. The new lab, dubbed “AI for Oversight,” will develop trustworthy and responsible AI-driven methods and applications for the support of governmental inspectors in the oversight domain. It is a collaboration between Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport, Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie, Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, Universiteit Utrecht, Universiteit Leiden, and TNO.

About the AI4Oversight lab:


A next generation of responsible AI which can enhance the effectiveness of inspectors? This can only be achieved by developing algorithms and approaches that ensure optimal support for inspectors. And on this front, there is good news: the recently launched ICAI Lab AI4Oversight is committed to making this possible.


The ICAI Lab AI4Oversight officially started on October 19th and includes:


5 partners: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT), Netherlands Labour Authority, Inspectorate of Education, Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority and TNO.

2 universities: Utrecht University and Leiden University


Their joint goal? Not to reinvent the wheel individually but to combine forces to achieve responsible and explainable AI. They aim to ensure that inspectors and AI systems work optimally together, leveraging each other’s strengths.


Supervision does not mean inspecting everything everywhere continuously; that’s impossible. Choices must be made. The challenge is to inspect precisely where the societal contribution is greatest. How do you achieve a risk-based approach, deploying inspectors as effectively as possible at the right times and places? This is the task for which regulatory bodies are collectively seeking a solution. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role, especially as these become more sophisticated.


Read more on the website of ICAI

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