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September 10, 2023

Podcast: What if AI learns from its own output, EU versus US and digital slaughterhouses

What goes wrong when language models are trained mainly on their own output? Until recently, this seemed like a future possibility, but now it is a danger we should seriously consider. And can we create rules to prevent it?
EU vs America
Europe and America once had economies of similar size. But since the 2008 credit crisis, the United States grew much faster. The main cause? Tech!
Learning from social media
With the advent of AI, a new tech revolution has begun. With it, we are also leaving behind the era of social media. On BNR Digital, Ben and Joe spoke to Frances Haugen. What lessons does she draw from that previous revolution? And can we indeed force these companies to be transparent? 
In BNR Nexus, Ben van der Burg, this time flanked by Joe van Burik or Daniël Mol, weekly discusses the latest and most important tech news with a panel of the best tech experts.
This week with Felienne Hermans, professor of computer science at the VU, and Bert Hubert, geeky entrepreneur. Listen to the podcast here (in Dutch). 
More podcasts on tech? Then listen to BNR Digital, the Cryptocast, All in the Game, The Technologist and Tech Update.

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