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April 16 2024

Podcast: The Good Conversations #26: Responsible Digital Transformations

Tune into the latest episode of "The Good Conversations" on Spotify, which delves into the ethical, legal, and societal aspects of digital technologies.

Podcast Release Date: April 10, 2024
Available on: Spotify


Episode 26 of "The Good Conversations" features a discussion with Marieke de Goede, Dean, along with Sennay Ghebreab (Professor of Socially Intelligent AI) and Tobias Blanke (University Professor of Humanities and AI), about the theme of Responsible Digital Transformations. This theme is part of the UvA-wide 'theme-based collaboration' programme, which invites researchers to formulate new research questions on socially relevant themes.


The episode highlights how digital systems, algorithms, and platforms have unlocked endless new possibilities but can also have severe social consequences. The focus is on fostering ethical and responsible approaches to digital transformation. Listeners will gain insights into how the UvA collaborates internally and with external partners to address these challenges.


Until May 23, UvA researchers working within the theme of Responsible Digital Transformations can apply for a Seed Grant to develop multidisciplinary research proposals in collaboration with at least one co-applicant from another faculty.

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