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19 December 2023

Podcast series AI in the Public Sector

AI is now having a major impact on our daily lives. The technology influences everything from how medical diagnoses are made to what we watch and buy. It is clear: the role of AI is growing. But how is it being applied within the public sector?
What other opportunities exist? How are governments dealing with AI developments? And how is it affecting the Netherlands? These are questions raised during the podcast series 'AI in the public sector'.

Together with experts, the impact of AI on society is discussed and examined, looking ahead to the future. A crucial question that continuously comes to the fore is: how do we ensure that the application of AI in the public sector is and remains human-centred?

The series begins with a basic introduction to AI and its future implications, through a discussion with experts from the Scientific Council for Government Policy. It then discusses current AI applications at agencies such as the Tax Authority, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority and the Municipality of Rotterdam. The synergy between humans and AI are highlighted in the process.

Besides discussing AI applications and developments, regulation and supervision are also touched upon. To this end, talks are held with the Ministry of the Interior and the Personal Data Authority. Also discussed is the ELSA concept, working on responsible application of AI with a focus on ethical, legal and societal aspects.

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