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10 October 2023

New UvA Research Lab puts Responsible AI into Practice

Video-AI is at the heart of many of controversies around AI (Artificial Intelligence), from automated public surveillance to drones for military use.
In the ‘HAVA-Lab’, part of the Data Science Centre, researchers and PhD students from all 7 UvA faculties investigate how to align video-AI with human values and ethical principles. The HAVA-Lab will be launched on Data Science Day, 13 October. We talked to co-principal investigators Prof. Tobias Blanke and Prof. Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard about the importance and ambitions of this research lab.
Increasing use of video-AI 

‘Video-AI, also referred to as computer vision, is a field of scientific inquiry that aims to develop techniques for computers to automate tasks that the human visual system can also do, and maybe even tasks that we are incapable of doing. These tasks include processing, analysing, and understanding sequences of digital images (videos)’, explains Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard.  
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