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7 February 2024

Towards a Future-Proof AI: The Need for a Dutch Infrastructure

In an era where generative AI and other AI applications are essential for innovations in sectors such as health, climate, and mobility, the Netherlands faces a critical challenge.
In an era where generative AI and other AI applications are essential for innovations in sectors such as health, climate, and mobility, the Netherlands faces a critical challenge. The dependence on powerful foreign AI platforms poses risks, including talent outflow and a loss of autonomy. This article underscores the importance of a national AI infrastructure that supports innovation, protects public values, and strengthens the position of the Netherlands and Europe in the AI era. The call for a Dutch AI infrastructure, backed by universities and industry leaders, highlights the need for collaboration to develop responsible, human-centered AI, retain talent, and ensure independence from foreign platforms.
Read here more about how the Netherlands is shaping its future in AI.
A manifesto discussing the proposal in more detail will soon be published. Listen to the podcast by Geert-Jan Houben (TU Delft) and Onno Zoeter (Booking) here in which they discuss the importance of a good ecosystem and a powerful infrastructure for the development and application of AI in the Netherlands.
Published by the NLAIC.

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