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6 February 2024

Market vision for AI image recognition with drones co-launched by NL AIC

The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), in collaboration with PIANOo Expertise Center and supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, recently published a market vision for AI image recognition with drones. This vision provides insight into the responsible use of AI and drones within government services, such as biodiversity monitoring, infrastructure inspections and maintenance.
The Public Services working group of the NL AIC, led by Elja Daae, has actively contributed to the development of this vision. This initiative highlights four crucial themes: algorithm quality assurance, cybersecurity, data sharing and ethics. Each theme has been carefully developed to support governments in making informed decisions regarding AI applications.
Several Dutch government agencies together form De Buyer Group AI Image Recognition with Drones. This Buyer Group emphasizes the importance of shared knowledge and experiences. Participants, including the Municipality of Breda, Rijkswaterstaat, NVWA, ProRail, and Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta, work together on innovative solutions for public tasks.
Read the full article here.

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