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March 9 2024

Mapping stress with AI: The DESTRESS initiative

Amsterdam UMC, in collaboration with a consortium of partners, is taking a significant leap forward with the innovative DESTRESS project. Spearheaded by Professor Christiaan Vinkers, a renowned expert in Stress and Resilience, DESTRESS focuses on employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the way organizations manage stress and bolster resilience. At a time when stress-related absenteeism results in 2.9 million days lost and over one billion euros in costs annually, such an initiative couldn't be more timely.


Stress not only undermines individual health but also impacts organizational efficiency. DESTRESS is predicated on the understanding that organizational resilience stems from the resilience of its workforce. The project aims to deploy AI in identifying and addressing stress and its triggers both at the individual and organizational level effectively, while maintaining a strong commitment to employee privacy and workplace values.

One of the project's groundbreaking objectives is to use AI to detect stress signals early. By intelligently analyzing data from individuals and their environments, DESTRESS seeks to proactively identify stress factors, facilitating a timely intervention that can prevent escalation and maintain resilience.

Funded by a €10.6 million grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), DESTRESS is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together experts from sociology, law, ethics, and AI. This initiative not only aims to reduce stress-induced absenteeism but also to enhance the overall well-being of employees, ensuring that organizations can thrive. 

Read more about this initiative here.

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