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6 October 2023

Queen Maxima Informs herself about Responsible AI Systems

What exciting news! The Queen visited our partner the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences on October 5th. It seemed that besides the spectacle of having the queen on your doorstep, she was well-informed about the latest AI developments and asked pointed questions on different AI-related topics. 
She was shown around by Executive Board members Geleyn Meijer, Jopie Nooren and Responsible IT lecturer Nanda Piersma. 

How can we use artificial intelligence (AI) in such a way that it supports society? Queen Máxima discussed this with lecturers, researchers and students at the Center of Applied AI at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. The queen also spoke about the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence with key figures from government, healthcare and education.
The visit starts in the Data Lab of the Jakoba Mulderhuis, where the Queen sits at the table with Executive Board members Geleyn Meijer, Jopie Nooren and Responsible IT lecturer Nanda Piersma. The Queen will hear how researchers and students are working on responsible AI for practice, by asking good questions and developing AI together with end users. “We believe that society should not follow technology, but that technology should follow social needs,” says Nanda Piersma.

Read more here.

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