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April 23 2024

Hyperscenarios of artificial intelligence usage: an essay by Nanda Piersma

In her essay, Nanda Piersma from CREATE-IT APPLIED RESEARCH at HvA discusses the complexity of artificial intelligence and how its deployment by people is key to responsible usage.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that is not yet fully utilized in today's innovations in data, algorithms, and computing power. Nanda Piersma's essay highlights how AI can lead to unforeseen and sometimes undesirable scenarios when it is not properly embedded in society through legislation or social awareness. The essay explores examples of hyper-personalization of advice, the right to remain unseen, preventive enforcement, and the possibilities of digital representations.


Piersma calls for a critical approach to how we as a society interpret and deploy technology. She proposes that we move from merely being users of smart systems to being commissioners of technology that truly supports us. This requires a dialogue about the ethical and social implications of AI, and how we want to regulate and shape these technologies.


You can find the full essay here

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