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21 November 2023

How do political parties think about AI and Algorithms?

Hopefully, you are voting today, but even though everyone may have already read up on all the election programs, we still want to shed some light on the progress of politics and AI. With the arrival of ChatGPT, AI has become the focus of attention. The election programs of Dutch parties do not always reflect this. de Volkskrant wrote an article about this and learn some of it here
The wetenschappelijke raad voor het regeringsbeleid (WRR) already agreed two years ago that if the Netherlands is not properly prepared for the fundamental change in AI, there is not only a risk that opportunities will be missed, but also that society will be saddled with technology that does not serve our interests. In the meantime, students, employees and the public are using ChatGPT en masse. Experts are concerned about fake messages, photos, audio, etc. that are easy to create nowadays with the help of AI.

The warnings go hand in hand with high expectations of the technology. These poles are also reflected in the election programmes.
- AI does not exist at PVV and FvD
- Surcharge affair leads to a desire for transparency
- Parties see enormous opportunities
- Enter AI education
- The demand for transparency is recurring among many parties
Daniel Mugge (Professor of Political Arithmetics, UvA) is surprised that many parties pay little attention to AI, especially AI in education. He gives the example of students who use ChatGPT, which involves new skills. They must learn that not everything ChatGPT says is true and that they can also learn to recognize other forms of disinformation.
Read it all here.
This article was published by de Volkskrant.
The image was generated by the University of Amsterdam using Adobe Firefly (keywords: shallow brain architecture).

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