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10 October 2023

ELSA Labs, working together to develop responsible application of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a major impact on how people interact with digital systems and services. How should our society relate to this digital transformation?
And how do we strike a balance between freedom of action and the functional added value of AI? How do we safeguard public values, our fundamental rights and democratic freedoms? And how do we ensure that everyone can benefit from the positive effects of AI?
Co-creation based on the ELSA concept

In the ELSA Labs, we collaborate on the development and application of AI in an innovative way, based on the ELSA concept. Consortia work together in the co-creation process. In addition to scientists, these include government, business, social partners, knowledge institutions and residents of the Netherlands. Together, they explore how AI can contribute to shaping our society.
Presentation of ELSA Labs magazine
During the North AI Congress organised by the AI Hub North Netherlands and the ELSA Lab North Netherlands, Kees van der Klauw received the first issue of the ELSA Labs magazine. The magazine features an overview of various activities by a number of parties from the ELSA community such as various ELSA Labs, AI hub Brightlands, the NWO network project, the Ministry of the Interior and the NL AIC.
Learning from each other is essential
Such as the approach of the Human-centred AI working group on the ELSA concept and on the portfolio of the ELSA Labs. Also, six ELSA Labs awarded so far are discussed in detail about their ambition and how they shape the research question and cooperation with all partners in their consortium. The network project will address how to learn from each other within the community of ELSA Labs and work towards a blueprint for an ELSA Lab to accelerate the learning approach and thus innovation.
Kees van der Klauw, coalition manager of the NL AIC: "We are pleased to note that ELSA Labs are being set up in a growing number of sectors. This contributes to a fast learning curve to develop and apply AI responsibly thanks to the commitment of all ELSA Labs. I would like to invite you to peruse the portfolio of all ELSA Labs for inspiration or to explore opportunities to learn from them or perhaps collaborate."
Purpose ELSA Labs
The purpose of the ELSA Labs is to ensure that companies, government, knowledge institutions, civil society organisations and citizens jointly develop responsible applications of AI. This involves innovative solutions to both social and business problems, with honesty, fairness, security and, above all, trustworthiness at its core. The approach focuses on human value as well as public value. A careful approach to develop and sustain human-centric AI.
More information ELSA concept
The ELSA concept provides a sound basis for the development and application of human-centred AI solutions. ELSA stands for Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects. By using clear ethical and legal frameworks and helpful regulations to develop human-centred AI in a European context, actively involving stakeholders. Resulting in manageable socioeconomic impacts of AI and confidence in how AI works. 
This pragmatic approach provides a solid basis not only to talk ethically about AI, but also to shape AI ethically. This is not just about the algorithms, but also how, where and by whom they are applied.
If you are interested in the ELSA concept or its elaboration in an ELSA Lab, we cordially invite you to read the ELSA Labs magazine. You can also consult the manifesto Human-centred AI.
If you have any questions about the ELSA concept, you will find more information on this page, read more about the Network Project Human-centred AI research with ELSA Labs here or you can contact Willeke Klinker, Human-centred AI working group.

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