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24 June 2024

AISO on their succesful first event

We spoke to student association AISO about their first organized event and how they experienced it.
We believe that our first event was a great success, it was overall a great experience! What we try to build at AISO is a sense of community, which we think would separate us from other student associations. We do this by putting a big priority on our members feedback (this work will be done by our community manager, John Gatev).
Our first speaker, Jasper Wognum (famously known for never preparing his talks, but rather feeling the crowd and improvising an incredible speech), told us his story from his career of work in several different companies, these stories taught us some important lessons, he always tried to put fun and happiness at first place, and it almost always led him to the best scenarios.  Then he explained the story of his newest venture, BrainCreators, which was also very interesting!
This event aimed to kick off AISO and show off a sneak peek of what we want to achieve. We intend on having these events bi-weekly, so truly from September 2024, we will make it a routine, to build this community and fulfil our current mission which is to Educate students in Amsterdam about Artificial Intelligence.
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