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14 November 2023

Better Images of AI: A Guide for Users and Creators

Stock images strongly influence the ways in which non-expert audiences think about and understand the topics they illustrate. This is why it is worrying that research has repeatedly shown that many images of AI are misleading and unhelpful.
This guide presents the results of a year-long study into alternative ways of creating images of AI, involving roundtable and workshop conversations with over 100 experts from fields including the tech sector, media, education, research, policy and the arts. Its aim is to advise people who work with images of AI – from journalists to communications officers, from educators to activists – on sourcing and creating the best images for communicating accurately and compellingly.

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NeuroAI: Charlotte Frenkel explores the future of AI inspired by the human brain

September 5, 2024

NeuroAI: Charlotte Frenkel explores the future of AI inspired by the human brain >

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