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11 January 2024

Augmedit, Ellogon.AI, Kepler Vision and Layco to regional preliminary round Zorginnovatieprijs 2024

The four most promising innovative scale-ups in healthcare have been announced. These care innovators and representatives from the region have a chance to win a spot in the finals of the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024: the award for the most innovative scale-up in the field of care and well-being.
The four most promising innovative scale-ups in healthcare have been announced. These care innovators and representatives from the region have a chance to win a spot in the finals of the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024: the award for the most innovative scale-up in the field of care and well-being.
From as many as 25 entries from North Holland, four nominees were selected. These innovative scale-ups from the province of North Holland will compete on Feb. 13 in the regional preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs 2024:
- Augmedit with Revolutionizing Surgery: Augemented Reality Insights Beyond Imagination. AI-driven Augmented Reality technology increases surgical precision, improves surgical preparation, provides immersive medical training and engages patients and families in understanding complex procedures.
- Ellogon.AI with EIDOS. EIDOS supports medical specialists in selecting cancer patients in whom immunotherapy is most likely to succeed. About 50% of all cancer patients who receive immunotherapy do not benefit from it. This results in a huge impact on patients’ quality of life and is also cost-saving.
- Kepler Vision. Kepler Vision Technologies uses a unique combination of AI & Computer Vision technologies to remotely monitor vulnerable patients in hospitals & nursing homes. It secures the well-being of patients and reduces healthcare costs by ensuring immediate medical intervention when needed, while addressing the challenges of the global shortage of medical personnel.
- Layco with vela® is a reusable vacuum extractor that makes obstetric care more sustainable and accessible to mother and child. Some 40% CO2-eq and 98% waste can be saved with vela® compared to the disposable version. By offering it at a normal price in high-income countries, the price can be lowered in low- and middle-income countries.

These four entrepreneurs will pitch their innovation to the expert jury and the public at a Zorg2025 meeting on Feb. 13, 2024. During this event, we will combine the regional preliminary round of the National Zorginnovatieprijs 2024 and the official opening of Plus Ultra Amsterdam.
Bart Geerts, founder of Healthplus.ai – the 2023 regional winner – shares what winning this award has brought him over the past year.
Following the pitches, there will be a brief panel discussion led by Quincy Dalh (founder of Hello Mentor) with Michel Leemhuis (Kadans), Jeroen Heijs (EZ), Marlies Schijven (AUMC) and Alexander Scholtes (Municipality of Amsterdam) on the regional Life Sciences & Health ecosystem and the latest developments in healthcare innovation.
Finally, the denouement of the preliminary round brings the election of the regional winner. The North Holland regional winner, in addition to the chance to win the national title, a cash prize of 10,000 euros and two tickets to Innovation for Health, will also receive 1 year of free membership in the Network Council of Amsterdam Economic Board.
Details about the program and location can be found on the event page for the regional preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs 2024.
Jurors regional preliminary round 2024

- Arianne van Lavieren, of the Zilveren Kruis
- Anna van der Hulst-Heijnen, from GGD
- Jenny Tsin, from Innovation Fund North Holland
- Dagmar van Ravenswaay Claasen, of Lumo Labs
Will you join us?
Admission to this event is free. Sign up on time here!
Zorginnovatieprijs (Healthcare Innovation Award)

The National Healthcare Innovation Award (Zorginnovatieprijs) is an award for the most innovative company in the scale-up phase in the field of health and wellness. Regional preliminaries take place throughout the Netherlands. Each region will select one nominee to advance to the finals on March 21, 2024 during the Health Valley Event. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to accelerate their innovation that has already been worked out, tested and launched. The finale of the National Care Innovation Award 2024 is on March 21 during the Health Valley Event. The award ceremony will be during the Zorg & ICT event on April 10, 2024.
The regional preliminary round of the National Zorginnovatieprijs is co-sponsored by the partners of Zorg2025.
About Zorg2025
Amsterdam Economic Board, Sigra, Rabobank Amsterdam, Amsterdam AI and ROM InWest have successfully organized the Zorg2025 meetings and the regional preliminary round of the Zorginnovatieprijs for many years. The Zorg2025 meetings are aimed at bringing together health and wellness innovators and professionals, industry, researchers and knowledge institutions in the field of health and prevention. The premise is to share knowledge, new research and innovative applications.

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