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September 14, 2023

AiNed XS Europe call to explore promising ideas in AI opened

A strong AI knowledge and innovation base is very important for the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connectedness of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe. With the XS Europe call, the National Growth Fund programme AiNed is making a solid contribution to this in the coming years.
Do you have promising ideas, or innovative and risky initiatives of which it is not certain in advance whether the intended objective will be achieved? Then the AiNed XS Europe call might be for you. Read more about the conditions of this call.
Call for proposals opened
Submit here. Deadline ( 14:00 hrs.)
AiNed XS Europe, the new call within the AiNed programme, has opened. This call is for ideas and initiatives that focus on one or more challenges in sections 3 and 4 of the national AI research agenda AIREA-NL2 and are designed in cooperation with at least one foreign European cooperation partner organisation.
The proposed research is groundbreaking and it is not certain in advance whether the intended objective will be achieved. What matters is that the result advances the Dutch AI position. Applications are anonymous, so the assessment is based purely on the research proposal.
The National Growth Fund programme AiNed aims to strengthen the AI knowledge and innovation base in the Netherlands. An important aspect of this is the connection of Dutch researchers worldwide, and especially in Europe. In this way, the Netherlands profiles itself as a strong and attractive AI ecosystem.
It also puts Dutch knowledge institutions and their associated companies in a stronger position to make contributions to European AI technology development, application and legislation. And it increases the opportunity for Dutch organisations to participate in European AI programmes. The aim of the AiNed XS Europe call is therefore to stimulate European research cooperation with influential partner organisations in AI.
For whom?
The AiNed XS Europa 2023-2024 call is open to researchers with a PhD and an appointment for the duration of the requested project. The call is explicitly open to postdocs. It is possible to submit from all fields of science. See article 3.1 of the call for proposals for the conditions.
The total grant ceiling for this call for proposals is € 3,200,000. An application can request a total maximum of €80,000. A maximum of 40 applications are expected to be awarded. There are four application deadlines specified for AiNed XS Europe in 2023-2024. For more information on the schedule and deadlines, please visit this page.
Deviating assessment procedure
AiNed XS Europe has an assessment procedure that differs from regular NWO procedures. Applicants applying for the AiNed XS Europe call are also reviewers of other submitted applications. When assigning applications to reviewers, stated personal interests are taken into account. This working method has already been successfully applied for several years in, among others, the ENW-XS Open Competition. Applicants should be aware that they will be assigned applications from the full breadth of the AI science field for assessment. Their own application should therefore also be drafted in a broadly accessible way.
Further information
For more information on this call for proposals, please visit NWO's AiNed XS Europe page. Do you have any questions? If so, please contact NWO.

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