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September 12, 2023

AiNed Fellowship grants awarded to Dr Cristian Tejedor García and Dr Iacer Calixto

Leveraging exceptional AI talent is important to strengthen the national knowledge and training base in AI. We are therefore pleased to announce the two recent awards in the AiNed Fellowship grants programme to Dr Cristian Tejedor García and Dr Iacer Calixto. The AiNed Board warmly congratulates them on these awards and very much looks forward to their contribution to the AiNed programme and AI research in the Netherlands.
Retaining AI talent for the Netherlands
The AiNed Fellowship grants help Dutch academic knowledge institutes to attract AI talent who can generally choose from a variety of competitive offers. This programme targets exceptional AI talents working in AI fields ranging from technology to the social sciences and humanities. The programme enables research institutes to offer AI talents an attractive basic package. We are happy to provide some more information on both research projects.
Award to Dr Cristian Tejedor García
The award enables Dr García to soon start an AI research line entitled 'Responsible AI for Voice Diagnostics' at Radboud University in Nijmegen. Voices tell more about us than we realise. This project is developing AI that targets specific information in our voices for the purpose of healthcare or education, while deleting non-relevant, privacy-sensitive information. This line of research fits well with AiNed's goal of developing responsible and human-centred AI solutions. The aim of the project is to improve the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and the assessment of pronunciation and reading skills. Read more about this research project here.
Award to Dr Iacer Calixto
With the grant, Dr Calixto will soon start an AI research line entitled 'CaRe-NLP: Human-Centric and Responsible NLP methods for Dutch healthcare' at the University of Amsterdam. An estimated 80% of all patient data is stored unstructured, e.g. as free text. However, this data is severely underused. AiNed is convinced that AI using data can play a role in increasing efficiency and keeping healthcare affordable. This project applies natural language processing and machine learning methods responsibly and reliably to use unstructured data. The aim is to support research, education and patient care focused on the Dutch healthcare ecosystem.
Duration call for proposals
Also interested in submitting an application as a Dutch academic knowledge institute? Applications for this Call for proposals can be submitted from 5 September 2022 until 15 December 2023 at 14:00 Dutch time. For more information about this call and submitting proposals, go to www.nwo.nl/AiNedFellowship.
For whom?
This programme component of the AiNed programme is suitable for all Dutch universities and the NWO and KNAW institutes. The total grant budget for this programme component is almost €20 million for the first round (2022-2023). Up to 23 proposals are expected to be funded. 20 fellowships are still available.
About the AiNed Fellowship grants
This programme is aimed at Dutch academic knowledge institutes that, following their strategy, want to invest in attracting AI talent for the position of (tenure track) associate professor, associate professor or full professor. The AI talent is selected by the research organisation. The AiNed Fellowship grants will increase the number of PhD students and postdoc researchers at Dutch academic knowledge institutes that focus on the challenges that are part of the AI Research Agenda for the Netherlands (AIREA-NL).

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