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19 January 2024

A strong ecosystem for responsible generative AI for the Netherlands

On Thursday, 18 January 2024, the government was the first EU member state to present its vision for generative AI, highlighting the importance of an active government mindful of both the opportunities and threats of AI as a systems technology.
The vision is based on public values and interests of the Netherlands in which, according to the government, everyone should be able to participate in the digital age, people should be able to trust the digital world and they should remain in control of their digital lives.
Contribution Dutch AI Coalition
The proposed approach requires a proactive and learning attitude as well as vision and courage. Here, experimentation, a learning approach and open cooperation between government, business, citizens and science are important. An approach that the Dutch AI Coalition has been pursuing since its inception and shaping together with its participants and partners to make full use of the opportunities of AI. The cabinet vision highlights that the Netherlands plays an active role both within the EU and beyond in promoting international cooperation and regulation of generative AI. The Dutch AI Coalition contributed to the creation of this broad vision.
Required AI infrastructure
Besides the various initiatives mentioned in the vision document, the NL AIC, together with other parties, underlines the importance of a strong Dutch AI infrastructure. This in order to safeguard public values and safety, support research and innovation and maintain autonomy for critical applications of generative AI, and not be dependent on foreign platforms. 

Government vision principles
With the values-driven approach, the Netherlands has the opportunity to lead the way in Europe and with Europe in the world. The government's ambition is to realise a strong AI ecosystem in the Netherlands and the EU in which plenty of innovation can take place with responsible generative AI. Here, cooperation is key. The importance of cooperation and organising the AI ecosystem is anchored in the vision and approach of the Dutch AI Coalition. By facilitating public-private partnerships, connecting parties in the ecosystem and initiating initiatives such as the AI Parade to create dialogue about AI and awareness among citizens.
The government sets four principles central to the development and application of generative AI in the Netherlands:
- It is developed and applied in a safe manner;
- It is developed and applied in a just manner;
- It serves human welfare and autonomy;
- It contributes to sustainability and our prosperity.
From vision to action
To ensure that generative AI is developed and used responsibly in the Netherlands, and to keep a grip on the social impact of AI, the government presents six lines of action in this vision: Cooperation with all stakeholders, closely monitoring rapid developments in the field of AI, developing appropriate laws and regulations, increasing knowledge and skills (in education, among others), as government itself experimenting (safely) with generative AI and strong supervision of AI, with enforcement where necessary.
AI remains people work
It now comes down to implementing the above vision. The Dutch AI Coalition is happy to contribute to this for prosperity and well-being in the Netherlands. As a public-private partnership, the NL AIC consists of more than 500 parties from government, business, education and science and civil society organisations. With the ambition to fully exploit the opportunities of AI for the Netherlands, in a European context. Interested in the activities of the NL AIC? Look here for a compilation of the past four years.
This article was published on the Dutch AI Coalition website (in Dutch). 
© Dutch AI Coalition

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