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21 February 2024

Project introduces ChatGPT as a learning tool in FNWI education

An innovative project within the FNWI focuses on a few selected courses and strives for close collaboration between teaching teams, AI experts from the faculty and educational expertise from TLC Science. The target?
The target? The effective use of ChatGPT in education, results in enhanced learning for students and an enriched educational experience. The project also promotes an open dialogue between teachers and students about the use of AI in education.

The first course to implement this project as a pilot is the Bachelor of Psychobiology. Here, students in the 'Review' course get the opportunity to use ChatGPT as a writing coach. Students are encouraged to leverage the AI ​​to improve their writing skills and develop their critical thinking skills.

A unique aspect of this project is access to ChatGPT via Microsoft Azure for both students and teachers of the participating subjects. This approach not only guarantees the security and privacy of users in a protected cloud environment, but also ensures seamless integration of advanced technology into educational practice. This strategic choice also addresses data and privacy issues, which is crucial for the application of such tools within a university setting.

Read more here.

Published by the University of Amsterdam.

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