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21 February 2024

Lowlands Science: Open Call for Researchers

Lowlands Science, the science program of Lowlands, one of the Netherlands' largest and most renowned festivals, invites scientists to submit research proposals for execution during the festival on August 16, 17, and 18, 2024.
Collaboratively organized with the National Science Agenda (NWA), New Scientist, and BKB | Het Campagnebureau, Lowlands Science provides a unique opportunity for researchers.
*Submitting proposals for this special research opportunity is open until March 31, 2024.* Sign up here!
Over three consecutive days, researchers have the opportunity to gather data at the festival's Lowlands Science Lab, amidst a crowd of 65,000 attendees. Festival-goers voluntarily participate in experiments, contributing to scientific advancement. Scientists collect data while attendees engage with scientific research in an accessible manner, fostering mutual learning and collaboration.

In recent years, Dutch universities, colleges, hospitals, and other research institutions have conducted dozens of studies at Lowlands Science. A wide range of socially relevant topics have been explored. For instance, last year's investigations delved into whether music festivals contribute to societal trust, the connection between one's bowel movements and personality, and the hypothetical scenarios of a society where food is no longer a necessity for survival.
Published by Lowlands.

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