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22 May 2024

OpenAI's ChatGPT: The Empathetic AI

This week, OpenAI unveiled its latest AI technology, showcasing a cheerful female voice that responds quickly and empathetically. What started as a simple text-based chatbot is now becoming a virtual companion.
The new ChatGPT, powered by GPT-4, appears more human-like, eliminating awkward pauses and adding emotional intonation. For example, when a presenter expressed nervousness, ChatGPT reassured, "Take a deep breath and remember: you are the expert."
This human-like interaction raises ethical concerns. Assistant Professor Olya Kudina (TU Delft) warns of the blurred lines between humans and AI, emphasizing that despite its realistic voice, ChatGPT remains technology devoid of genuine emotions.
Professors Marjolijn Antheunis and Emmelyn Croes (Tilburg University) see benefits in using AI for temporary skill practice or processing experiences, but caution against losing touch with real-life interactions. Transparency about the AI's nature is crucial.
While Apple, Google, and Amazon have long offered chatbots, OpenAI's latest version can handle complex conversations, making interactions more seamless and human-like.
Two approaches are emerging: OpenAI focuses on emotional expression, while Google aims to create a practical AI assistant for everyday tasks. This divergence highlights the debate about empathy in AI and its ethical implications.
Published by NOS.

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