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27 March 2024

47 million available in AINED calls

Four major AI calls for have been published in the past 4 weeks: Innovation Labs, Learning Communities, ELSA Labs and the MIT call. 


The calls aim to support the development of new AI applications, impact on training of people, learnings in human-centered AI and support of SME’s. See https://ained.nl/en/current-calls/ for more information. The calls are open to proposals in the areas energy and sustainability, health and care, mobility, transportation and logistics and technical industry. As one of the Dutch AI Hubs, Amsterdam AI plays a role for the region in the coordination of the proposals, support of consortia and to provide information about the calls. For more information, contact Geert Wissink (strategic business director of Amsterdam AI or Peter Westerhuijs (IXA program manager). 


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