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17 November 2023

One year of The AI, Media and Democracy Lab

We are celebrating The AI, Media and Democracy Lab (ELSA Lab) first birthday! Last year they started the trajectory as a Dutch Research Council-funded Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) Lab. The overarching goal: to develop and test value-driven, human-centered AI applications and ethical and legal frameworks for responsible use of AI in the media. 
Their researchers have been at the forefront of discussions surrounding the impact of AI on our society. We’ve contributed to the regulatory discussion on generative AI by co-organizing a workshop with AlgorithmWatch and providing recommendations for the AI Act. Earlier this year, they committed to demystifying generative AI by organizing a discussion series called ‘The Impact We Generate’, covering legal aspects, disinformation, and news media. Together with the Institute for Advance Study, they organized a series of meetings called ‘Meet New Methods’, fostering discussions on methodologies that contextualise the impact of new algorithmic technologies.
We are happy to call them our partners and look forward to more collaboration! Read their full report here.

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