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4 July 2024

Future of Technology in Amsterdam: Your Opinion Counts!

Will we use artificial intelligence to detect crooked tiles on the street? Do we use quantum computing to calculate the ideal route for supply traffic? Do we use algorithms to predict which homes have lead pipes? Amsterdam is constantly investigating what new technologies are on the market and how we can best use them.
How do you think about this? What should we use technology for, a safe, clean or accessible city? Or why not? Come by this and next week to experience and give your opinion on how technology can shape our future.
Amsterdam continuously investigates the latest technological developments and how they can best use them for Amsterdam residents and the city. They weigh up the applicability and the pros and cons. They share this, among other things, in the annual Tech Radar. But what do Amsterdam residents think about this? What do you think of quantum computing or artificial intelligence? And what do you want to achieve with new technology?
This and next week, social design agency Muzus will cycle through Amsterdam to discuss this with residents. Come by and let 'the bad guy' predict your future. Hear how technology can impact your future. And share your view of this future with them. They include these ideas in the digital developments for the city.
Here you can find them this and next week. Keep an eye on @muzusdesign's Instagram Stories for the locations:
📅 July 3 in Centrum & Noord at, among others, the Buikslotermeerpont and NDSM wharf
📅 July 4th in East & Southeast at, among others, the Dappermarkt and Bijlmerplein
📅 July 9 in Zuid in, among others, De Pijp and on the Zuidas
📅 July 10 in West & Nieuw-West at Sierplein and Osdorpplein, among others

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