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 Symposium: Healthcare technology and AI in your own living environment
31 May 2024

Symposium: Healthcare technology and AI in your own living environment

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Registration, coffee and tea
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Plenary session
Opening by chairwoman Liza Verheijke
eHealth and innovation in practice by Ellen Vreeburg
What do we do at the Faculty of Health? Jesse Aarden, Daniël Bossen and Margriet Pol provide an insight
Healthcare technology and AI. How? In conversation with Bianca Buurman and Somaya ben Allouch
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Parallel sessions round 1
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Parallel sessions round 2
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Amsterdam café
Sign up here (free)!
Use of eHealth to promote healthy exercise and nutritional behavior
The People in Motion research group conducts research into exercise, nutrition and technology. In this session we discuss the importance of healthcare technology, present findings from our research and various interventions. We would like to discuss how we can make an even greater impact. With Daniel Bossen and Josje Schoufour.
Contribute to participation in daily life with eHealth and technology
In this session we present examples of research on how eHealth and technology in geriatric rehabilitation stimulate participation in daily life. Discover the digital skills of elderly people and be inspired by ways in which professionals support elderly people in their home rehabilitation using digital tools. With Margriet Pol, Sanne Pellegrom, Astrid Preitschopf and Michael Zonneveld.
Smart Health and Vitality Lab: applying technology and AI for healthcare professionals
In this session we present the so-called Smart Health and Vitality Lab where our (future) healthcare professionals make technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tangible. We discuss the possibilities that students have to apply healthcare technology and AI during their studies and for clients in the professional field. We show examples of the use of robotics and virtual reality. With Jesse Aarden, Aviv Hidrian and Maggie Janisch.

An informal drink including an interactive discussion, organized in the working format of a world café. An opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, submit assignments for (student) research from the field and think together about the use of technology in practice.

The symposium will take place at the AUAS location Tania Léonhuis. Address: Tafelbergweg 51 in Amsterdam.