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Launching Health Data Space Amsterdam
18 March 2024

Launching Health Data Space Amsterdam

The official letter of intent and launch of Health Data Space Amsterdam (HDSA) on March 18 will be signed by the directors of three leading hospitals in our region. A wonderful success, made possible in part by the enthusiasm, support and commitment of many involved over the past several years! With this, we also bid farewell to the current steering committee and front runners, which have played an essential role in this process.

Since 2019, the Amsterdam Economic Board has been including the need to improve data sharing on the agenda, as well as the deployment of AI in healthcare. From that vision, we started the HDSA initiative to create a regional infrastructure for secondary use of health data.
Amsterdam Economic Board has set up the Health Data Space Amsterdam, together with consortium partners Amsterdam UMC, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek/ NKI, City of Amsterdam, OLVG, Philips, University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Read more here.
Published by Amsterdam Economic Board.