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September Meetup for Women and Gender Minorities
22 September 2023

September Meetup for Women and Gender Minorities

It will be an in-person event at Oerknal at Science Park (Science Park 306, 1098 XH Amsterdam). They have reserved space in Oerknal from 18:00 on 22nd September. Since there will not be a sponsor for this meetup there will not be free drinks or food, but prices at Oerknal are reasonable. 

Friday, September 22nd, 18.00 CET  

Since they would like to have a rough idea of how much space they will need, please let them know you’re planning to join by replying to the form in the button below.

There is no specific agenda for this meeting, come and chat, meet your future collaborators or mentors, be challenged by others' viewpoints, and discuss your cat pictures. The event is what you make of it. 

Please share this invite with other women and gender minorities working or researching in or related to the field of AI who might want to join this meeting.